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美音: [ˈtenʃn] 英音: [ˈtɛnʃən]




名词紧张,不安; 紧张气氛; [物]张力,拉力; 矛盾

及物动词紧张; 使紧张



1. He is suffering from nervous tension.

2. tension

2. The tension was so great that the rope broke.

3. tension的意思

3. She felt the tension as soon as she entered the room.

4. Danger! High tension wires.

5. The tension in the Far East is building up again.


1. tension

1. 压力:他们认为,由于环境、组织的动态性而导致了顾客产生压力( tension) . 其中,环境的变化,如顾客需求变化、竞争对手行动、宏观环境的变化等都会导致压力的产生,同时对自身知识水平、绩效水平、控制水平等这些现有能力的认知也会促使压力的增加.

2. 拉力:5、直线坐标位置运转型(VP-1):直线运动器,X-Y型桌面(Table)6、旋转坐标位置运转型(VP-2):坐标(index),转台(turret)10、拉力(Tension)控制运转型:绞车,绕线机


1. 紧张关系;紧张局势
Tension is the feeling that is produced in a situation when people are anxious and do not trust each other, and when there is a possibility of sudden violence or conflict.

e.g. The tension between the two countries is likely to remain...
e.g. ...continued tension over the killing of demonstrators...

2. 紧张;焦虑;焦急
Tension is a feeling of worry and anxiety which makes it difficult for you to relax.

e.g. She has done her best to keep calm but finds herself trembling with tension and indecision...
e.g. Smiling and laughing has actually been shown to relieve tension and stress.

3. (势力、观点、影响之间的)冲突,分歧
If there is a tension between forces, arguments, or influences, there are differences between them that cause difficulties.

e.g. The film explored the tension between public duty and personal affections.

4. 拉紧程度;拉力;张力
The tension in something such as a rope or wire is the extent to which it is stretched tight.



1. the action of stretching something tight

e.g. tension holds the belt in the pulleys

2. (physics) a stress that produces an elongation of an elastic physical body

e.g. the direction of maximum tension moves asymptotically toward the direction of the shear

3. feelings of hostility that are not manifest

e.g. he could sense her latent hostility to him
the diplomats' first concern was to reduce international tensions

Synonym: latent hostility

4. a balance between and interplay of opposing elements or tendencies (especially in art or literature)

e.g. there is a tension created between narrative time and movie time
there is a tension between these approaches to understanding history

5. (psychology) a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense

e.g. he suffered from fatigue and emotional tension
stress is a vasoconstrictor

Synonym: tensenessstress

6. the physical condition of being stretched or strained

e.g. it places great tension on the leg muscles
he could feel the tenseness of her body

Synonym: tensitytensenesstautness

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