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美音: [ˈævərɪdʒ] 英音: [ˈævərɪdʒ, ˈævrɪdʒ]



形容词平均的; 平常的; 典型的; (价值、比率等的)平均数的

名词平均水平; (速度等的)平均率; 平均估价

及物动词[数学] 计算…的平均值; 调和,拉平; 分摊; 按比例(或平均)分配(利润等)

不及物动词平均:作为或达到一个中间值; 维持(有利的)平均价格



1. It was an average piece of work.


1. He averaged nine hours' work a day.


2. The rainfall average s 800 mm. a year.


1. An average of two students are absent each day.


1. 平均值:交互作用代表了问题与问题之间的互相交叉作用. 交互作用常常比主因子作用更为重要,因为交互作用能扩大与缩小主因子作用. 一份调查报告若能对这两种作用都能进行分析,那将是完美的. 题号 内容 平均值(Average) 相关系数(Correlation)

2. average什么意思

2. average:ave.; 安打率

3. average:avg.; 平均数


1. 平均数;均值
An average is the result that you get when you add two or more numbers together and divide the total by the number of numbers you added together.

e.g. Take the average of those ratios and multiply by a hundred.

2. 约数;平均值
You use average to refer to a number or size that varies but is always approximately the same.

e.g. It takes an average of ten weeks for a house sale to be completed.

3. 一般的;通常的;普通的
An average person or thing is typical or normal.

e.g. The average adult man burns 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day...
e.g. Packaging is about a third of what is found in an average British dustbin.

4. 正常数量;一般水平
An amount or quality that is the average is the normal amount or quality for a particular group of things or people.

e.g. Most areas suffered more rain than usual, with Northern Ireland getting double the average for the month.

5. 普通的;寻常的;一般的
Something that is average is neither very good nor very bad, usually when you had hoped it would be better.

e.g. I was only average academically.

Most children are not geniuses or stars. They just do averagely well...
The songs are performed averagely, although the band seem to be enjoying themselves.

6. (一段时间内)平均值为
To average a particular amount means to do, get, or produce that amount as an average over a period of time.

e.g. We averaged 42 miles per hour.
e.g. ...pay increases averaging 9.75%.

7. 平均起来;按平均值
You say on average or on an average to indicate that a number is the average of several numbers.

e.g. American shares rose, on average, by 38%...
e.g. On an average we would be spending £300 per day.

8. 基本上;大体上
If you say that something is true on average, you mean that it is generally true.

e.g. On average, American firms remain the most productive in the world.

9. law of averages -> see law

相关词组:average out



1. an intermediate scale value regarded as normal or usual

e.g. he is about average in height
the snowfall this month is below average

2. a statistic describing the location of a distribution

e.g. it set the norm for American homes

Synonym: norm

3. (sports) the ratio of successful performances to opportunities


1. compute the average of

Synonym: average out

2. achieve or reach on average

e.g. He averaged a C

3. amount to or come to an average, without loss or gain

e.g. The number of hours I work per work averages out to 40

Synonym: average out


1. lacking special distinction, rank, or status
commonly encountered

e.g. average people
the ordinary (or common) man in the street

Synonym: ordinary

2. around the middle of a scale of evaluation

e.g. an orange of average size
intermediate capacity
medium bombers

Synonym: intermediatemedium

3. approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value

e.g. the average income in New England is below that of the nation
of average height for his age
the mean annual rainfall

Synonym: mean(a)

4. relating to or constituting the middle value of an ordered set of values (or the average of the middle two in a set with an even number of values)

e.g. the median value of 17, 20, and 36 is 20
the median income for the year was $15,000

Synonym: median(a)

5. relating to or constituting the most frequent value in a distribution

e.g. the modal age at which American novelists reach their peak is 30

Synonym: modal(a)

6. lacking exceptional quality or ability

e.g. a novel of average merit
only a fair performance of the sonata
in fair health
the caliber of the students has gone from mediocre to above average
the performance was middling at best

Synonym: fairmediocremiddling

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