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美音: [ˈdaʊtfl] 英音: [ˈdaʊtfəl]


形容词难以预测的; 难以预料的,未定局的; 怀疑的,拿不准的; 不明不白




1. The future looks very doubtful.

2. It is doubtful that he will come.


3. I'm doubtful whether she's still alive.

4. He is a doubtful character.


1. 可疑的:1907年,AMA把当时160所医学院分成可接受(Acceptable)、可疑的(Doubtful)、不可接受(Unacceptable)三类. 很多美国医生对AMA日益因循守旧、自私自利的姿态非常不满,他们不但不参加AMA,而且还成立了自己的组织,与AMA针锋相对,反其道而行之.

2. doubtful是什么意思

2. 表示不是很肯定:◆positively adv. 绝对地,完全地 | doubt; doubtful; uncertain; dubious 表示不是很肯定 | ◆disadvantage n. 短处,缺点

3. doubtful什么意思

3. 怀疑的,可疑的:doubt 怀疑,疑问,不相信 | doubtful 怀疑的,可疑的 | doubtless 无疑的,很可能的


1. 未必的;不大可能的
If it is doubtful that something will happen, it seems unlikely to happen or you are uncertain whether it will happen.

e.g. For a time it seemed doubtful that he would move at all...
e.g. It is doubtful whether Tweed, even with his fluent French, passed for one of the locals...

2. 怀疑的;疑惑的;拿不定主意的
If you are doubtful about something, you feel unsure or uncertain about it.

e.g. I was still very doubtful about the chances for success...
e.g. Why did he sound so doubtful?

Keeton shook his head doubtfully.

3. (质量或价值)低劣的,不可靠
If you say that something is of doubtful quality or value, you mean that it is of low quality or value.

e.g. ...selling something that is overpriced or of doubtful quality...
e.g. They also seemed of very doubtful value.

4. (通常指运动员因伤)不大可能参加(比赛)的
If a sports player is doubtful for a match or event, he or she seems unlikely to play, usually because of injury.

e.g. Forsyth is doubtful for tonight's game with a badly bruised leg.

Do not confuse doubtful, dubious, and suspicious. If you feel doubtful about something, you are unsure about it or about whether it will happen or be successful. Do you feel insecure and doubtful about your ability?... It was doubtful he would ever see her again. If you are dubious about something, you are not sure whether it is the right thing to do. Alison sounded very dubious... The men in charge were a bit dubious about taking women on. If you describe something as dubious, you think it is not completely honest, safe, or reliable. ...his dubious abilities as a teacher. If you are suspicious of a person, you do not trust them and think they might be involved in something dishonest or illegal. I am suspicious of his intentions... Miss Lenaut had grown suspicious. If you describe something as suspicious, it suggests behaviour that is dishonest, illegal, or dangerous. He listened for any suspicious sounds. ...in suspicious circumstances.
不要混淆 doubtful, dubious, suspicious。doubtful 指不确定某事或不确定其是否会发生或成功:Do you feel insecure and doubtful about your ability(你对自己的能力缺乏信心,抱有怀疑吗),It was doubtful he would ever see her again(他会不会再见到她还说不准)。dubious 指拿不准做某事是否正确:Alison sounded very dubious(艾利森听上去犹豫不决),The men in charge were a bit dubious about taking women on(几位男性负责人有点儿拿不准要不要招女员工)。dubious 还可指某事物不完全可信、安全或可靠:his dubious abilities as a teacher(他的教学能力令人怀疑)。suspicious 指不信任某人,怀疑其从事欺骗性或不法活动:I am suspicious of his intentions(我怀疑他动机不纯),Miss Lenaut had grown suspicious(莱诺小姐已经起了疑心)。suspicious 还可指某人的行为可疑、不诚实、涉及非法或具有危险性:He listened for any suspicious sounds(他注意倾听任何可疑的声音),in suspicious circumstances(在可疑的情势下)。
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