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美音: [pleɪ] 英音: [pleɪ]



名词游戏; 比赛; 戏剧; 赌博

及物/不及物动词玩; 演奏; 演出; 参加比赛

及物动词扮演; 担任,充当…的角色; 演出; 装扮

不及物动词玩耍,游戏; [游戏] 参加游戏; 赌博; 闹着玩








1. out of play : 死球;

2. play up : 加油;

3. play down : 贬低;

4. play off : 使出丑, 延长比赛以破平局, 使相斗, (用欺骗手段)使...脱手;

5. in play : 开玩笑地;

6. come into play : 开始活动;

7. allow full play to : 使充分活动;

8. play around with : 在一起厮混; 玩弄; 戏弄;

9. play hard to get : 假装不钟情于对方使对方更加喜欢自己;

10. play up to : 支持, 奉承;

11. make a play for : 挖空心思吸引某人, 想尽办法获得某物;

12. play high : 豪赌;

13. play smash with : 摧毁;

14. play at : 参加(体育活动、比赛等), 假装, 戏弄, 敷衍;

15. play it safe : 求稳, 不冒险;

16. make play : 行动有效;

17. give free play to : 使任意活动;

18. play out : 把戏演完, 使耗尽, 使筋疲力尽, 放出, 用完, 使破产, 宣泄, 结束;

19. play away : 在外比赛, 输掉, 浪费掉(时间等);

20. as good as a play : 有趣;

21. play with fire : 玩火;

22. play hard : (比赛者)使劲, 不择手段;

23. play along with : 参与, 对...假表同意;




1. He played Hamlet.


1. play在线翻译

1. The organ is playing.

2. Children like to play.


1. play

1. She is in a play about a famous singer.


Have no stomach for-(对……没有兴趣)

A:Will you play tennis with us tomorrow?


B:Sorry, I cannot, I just have no stomach for that.

A:Then what about seeing a movie?

B:That’s good!


A:There’s going to be a volleyball match between Economy Department and Foreign Languages Department this afternoon. Are any of you keen on volleyball?

B:Sorry, I’m not a volleyball fan. I’d rather play football. How about you, Mr. Wang? Are you interested in volleyball?

C:I’m afraid not. My favorite sport is running. I don’t care for ball games.


A:Do you think I should join the basketball team, Mary?

B:Why not? If I were you, I certainly would.

A:But I’m afraid it’ll take up too much of my time.

B:As the saying goes:Work while you work, play while play. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, you know?


A:Hmm, you’re right.


1. 比赛开始:2.62 比赛开始 (PLAY) 比塞开始时,或比赛停止后再开始时主审喊的口令. 2.63 突击投球 (OUTCK RETURN) 投手利用打者不注意时的投球行为,这是违规投球. 2.64 正规比赛 (REGULATION GAME) 参考4.10及4.11.

2. play

2. 剧本:伯曼认为,剧本( play) 可作为重新界定课程领导的基础,课程工作者被认为是演员,剧本所拥有的欣赏、超越、质疑、更新和传递等特质可引导课程工作者富有成效地工作[4].


1. 玩;玩耍
When children, animals, or perhaps adults play, they spend time doing enjoyable things, such as using toys and taking part in games.

e.g. ...invite the children round to play...
e.g. They played in the little garden...

2. 参加(体育活动、比赛等)
When you play a sport, game, or match, you take part in it.

e.g. While the twins played cards, Francis sat reading...
e.g. Alain was playing cards with his friends...

3. (和…)比赛
When one person or team plays another or plays against them, they compete against them in a sport or game.

e.g. Northern Ireland will play Latvia...
e.g. I've played against him a few times.

4. (比赛等中)打出,踢出,击出(球)
When you play the ball or play a shot in a game or sport, you kick or hit the ball.


e.g. Think first before playing the ball...
e.g. Sikander Bakht played a bad shot...

5. 开(玩笑);耍(花招);搞(恶作剧)
If you play a joke or a trick on someone, you deceive them or give them a surprise in a way that you think is funny, but that often causes problems for them or annoys them.

e.g. Someone had played a trick on her, stretched a piece of string at the top of those steps...
e.g. I thought: 'This cannot be happening, somebody must be playing a joke'.

6. 随意摆弄;弄着玩
If you play with an object or with your hair, you keep moving it or touching it with your fingers, perhaps because you are bored or nervous.

e.g. She stared at the floor, idly playing with the strap of her handbag.

7. 剧本;戏剧
A play is a piece of writing which is performed in a theatre, on the radio, or on television.

e.g. The company put on a play about the homeless...
e.g. It's my favourite Shakespeare play.

8. 扮演,饰演(角色等)
If an actor plays a role or character in a play or film, he or she performs the part of that character.

e.g. ...Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, in which he played Hyde...
e.g. His ambition is to play the part of Dracula.

9. 装扮;假装;充当
You can use play to describe how someone behaves, when they are deliberately behaving in a certain way or like a certain type of person. For example, to play the innocent, means to pretend to be innocent, and to play deaf means to pretend not to hear something.


e.g. Hill tried to play the peacemaker...
e.g. She was just playing the devoted mother...

10. (以…方式)对待,处置,处理
You can describe how someone deals with a situation by saying that they play it in a certain way. For example, if someone plays it cool, they keep calm and do not show much emotion, and if someone plays it straight, they behave in an honest and direct way.

e.g. Investors are playing it cautious, and they're playing it smart.

11. 演奏(乐器或乐曲)
If you play a musical instrument or play a tune on a musical instrument, or if a musical instrument plays, music is produced from it.


e.g. Nina had been playing the piano...
e.g. Two people played jazz on a piano...

12. 播放(唱片、CD或磁带)
If you play a record, a CD, or a tape, you put it into a machine and sound is produced. If a record, CD, or tape is playing, sound is being produced from it.


e.g. She played her records too loudly...
e.g. Every evening in those days the BBC played 'God Save The King'...

13. (音乐家、乐队等)表演;举办(音乐会)
If a musician or group of musicians plays or plays a concert, they perform music for people to listen or dance to.

e.g. A band was playing...
e.g. He will play concerts in Amsterdam and Paris.

14. (光)轻快地移动
When light plays somewhere, it moves about on a surface in an unsteady way.

e.g. The sun played on the frosty roofs.

15. 搞什么名堂;干什么蠢事
If you ask what someone is playing at, you are angry because you think they are doing something stupid or wrong.


e.g. What the hell are you playing at?

16. (使)开始活动;(使)投入使用; (使)开始起作用
When something comes into play or is brought into play, it begins to be used or to have an effect.

e.g. The real existence of a military option will come into play...
e.g. Breathing brings many muscles into play.

17. (在…中)发挥作用,产生影响
If something or someone plays a part or plays a role in a situation, they are involved in it and have an effect on it.

e.g. They played a part in the life of their community...
e.g. The UN would play a major role in monitoring a ceasefire.

18. to play ball -> see ball
to play your cards right -> see card
to play it by ear -> see ear
to play fair -> see fair
to play fast and loose -> see fast
to play second fiddle -> see fiddle
to play the field -> see field
to play with fire -> see fire
to play the fool -> see fool
to play to the gallery -> see gallery
to play into someone's hands -> see hand
to play hard to get -> see hard
to play havoc -> see havoc
to play host -> see host
to play safe -> see safe
to play for time -> see time
to play truant -> see truant

相关词组:play alongplay aroundplay atplay backplay downplay off againstplay onplay outplay upplay upon



1. the act using a sword (or other weapon) vigorously and skillfully

Synonym: swordplay

2. the act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning (including the payment of a price for a chance to win a prize)

e.g. his gambling cost him a fortune
there was heavy play at the blackjack table

Synonym: gamblinggaming

3. activity by children that is guided more by imagination than by fixed rules

e.g. Freud believed in the utility of play to a small child

Synonym: child's play

4. (game) the activity of doing something in an agreed succession

e.g. it is my turn
it is still my play

Synonym: turn

5. gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement

e.g. it was all done in play
their frolic in the surf threatened to become ugly

Synonym: frolicrompgambolcaper

6. a deliberate coordinated movement requiring dexterity and skill

e.g. he made a great maneuver
the runner was out on a play by the shortstop

Synonym: maneuvermanoeuvre

7. a preset plan of action in team sports

e.g. the coach drew up the plays for her team

8. an attempt to get something

e.g. they made a futile play for power
he made a bid to gain attention

Synonym: bid

9. utilization or exercise

e.g. the play of the imagination

10. movement or space for movement

e.g. there was too much play in the steering wheel

Synonym: looseness

11. verbal wit or mockery (often at another's expense but not to be taken seriously)

e.g. he became a figure of fun
he said it in sport

Synonym: funsport

12. a dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage

e.g. he wrote several plays but only one was produced on Broadway

Synonym: dramadramatic play

13. a theatrical performance of a drama

e.g. the play lasted two hours

14. a weak and tremulous light

e.g. the shimmer of colors on iridescent feathers
the play of light on the water

Synonym: shimmer

15. the removal of constraints

e.g. he gave free rein to his impulses
they gave full play to the artist's talent

Synonym: free rein

16. a state in which action is feasible

e.g. the ball was still in play
insiders said the company's stock was in play

17. (in games or plays or other performances) the time during which play proceeds

e.g. rain stopped play in the 4th inning

Synonym: playing periodperiod of play



1. engage in an activity as if it were a game rather than take it seriously

e.g. They played games on their opponents
play the stock market
play with her feelings
toy with an idea

Synonym: toy

2. pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind

e.g. He acted the idiot
She plays deaf when the news are bad

Synonym: actact as

3. exhaust by allowing to pull on the line

e.g. play a hooked fish

4. consider not very seriously

e.g. He is trifling with her
She plays with the thought of moving to Tasmania

Synonym: dallytrifle

5. participate in games or sport

e.g. We played hockey all afternoon
play cards
Pele played for the Brazilian teams in many important matches

6. contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle

e.g. Princeton plays Yale this weekend
Charlie likes to play Mary

Synonym: meetencountertake on

7. employ in a game or in a specific position

e.g. They played him on first base

8. use or move

e.g. I had to play my queen

9. shoot or hit in a particular manner

e.g. She played a good backhand last night

10. bet or wager (money)

e.g. He played $20 on the new horse
She plays the races

11. put (a card or piece) into play during a game, or act strategically as if in a card game

e.g. He is playing his cards close to his chest
The Democrats still have some cards to play before they will concede the electoral victory

12. stake on the outcome of an issue

e.g. I bet $100 on that new horse
She played all her money on the dark horse

Synonym: betwager

13. make bets

e.g. Play the races
play the casinos in Trouville

14. use to one's advantage

e.g. She plays on her clients' emotions

15. discharge or direct or be discharged or directed as if in a continuous stream

e.g. play water from a hose
The fountains played all day

16. manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination

e.g. She played nervously with her wedding ring
Don't fiddle with the screws
He played with the idea of running for the Senate

Synonym: toyfiddlediddle

17. cause to happen or to occur as a consequence

e.g. I cannot work a miracle
wreak havoc
bring comments
play a joke
The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area

Synonym: bringworkwreakmake for

18. perform on a certain location

e.g. The prodigy played Carnegie Hall at the age of 16
She has been playing on Broadway for years

19. be performed or presented for public viewing

e.g. What's playing in the local movie theater?
`Cats' has been playing on Broadway for many years

20. cause to emit recorded audio or video

e.g. They ran the tapes over and over again
I'll play you my favorite record
He never tires of playing that video

Synonym: run

21. emit recorded sound

e.g. The tape was playing for hours
the stereo was playing Beethoven when I entered

22. play a role or part

e.g. Gielgud played Hamlet
She wants to act Lady Macbeth, but she is too young for the role
She played the servant to her husband's master

Synonym: actrepresent

23. perform on a stage or theater

e.g. She acts in this play
He acted in `Julius Caesar'
I played in `A Christmas Carol'

Synonym: actroleplayplayact

24. pretend to be somebody in the framework of a game or playful activity

e.g. Let's play like I am mommy
Play cowboy and Indians

25. replay (as a melody)

e.g. Play it again, Sam
She played the third movement very beautifully

Synonym: spiel

26. play on an instrument

e.g. The band played all night long

27. perform music on (a musical instrument)

e.g. He plays the flute
Can you play on this old recorder?

28. move or seem to move quickly, lightly, or irregularly

e.g. The spotlights played on the politicians

29. cause to move or operate freely within a bounded space

e.g. The engine has a wheel that is playing in a rack

30. act or have an effect in a specified way or with a specific effect or outcome

e.g. This factor played only a minor part in his decision
This development played into her hands
I played no role in your dismissal

31. engage in recreational activities rather than work
occupy oneself in a diversion

e.g. On weekends I play
The students all recreate alike

Synonym: recreate

32. be at play
be engaged in playful activity
amuse oneself in a way characteristic of children

e.g. The kids were playing outside all day
I used to play with trucks as a little girl

33. behave carelessly or indifferently

e.g. Play about with a young girl's affection

Synonym: dallytoyflirt

34. behave in a certain way

e.g. play safe
play it safe
play fair

35. be received or accepted or interpreted in a specific way

e.g. This speech didn't play well with the American public
His remarks played to the suspicions of the committee

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