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美音: [rɪˈdju:s] 英音: [rɪˈdu:s]



及物动词减少; 缩小; 使还原; 使变弱

不及物动词减少; 节食; 蒸发; (液体)浓缩变稠




动词moderatelessenlowerdiminishdecreasecutthinboil downconcentrate



1. The poor woman is reduced to begging.

2. Poverty reduced him to begging.

3. She was reduced to begging.

4. The fire reduced the paintings to ashes.

5. The fire reduced the forest to a few trees.



A:Your prices seem a little high .

B:We could make them lower for you .

A:How ?

B:If you order in large lots , we‘ll reduce the price .


1. reduce的近义词

1. 简化:2.简化(Reduce). 下课以后,尽可能及早将这些论据、概念简明扼要地概括(简化)在回忆栏,即副栏. 3.背诵(Recite). 把主栏遮住,只用回忆栏中的摘记提示,尽量完满地叙述课堂上讲过的内容. 4.思考(Reflect). 将自己的听课随感、意见、经验体会之类的内容,

2. reduce的解释

2. 降低:1991年,惠普公司自愿加入美国EPA计划,决定减少污染和有毒物质的排放量,并提出了业界著名的3R概念:降低(Reduce)、重用(Reuse)和再利用(Recycle). 自1993年5月以来,惠普公司已经禁止在其生产中使用破坏臭氧层的化学物质,


1. 减少;减小;减轻
If you reduce something, you make it smaller in size or amount, or less in degree.

e.g. It reduces the risks of heart disease...
e.g. Consumption is being reduced by 25 per cent...

2. 使沦为,使陷入(不好的境地)
If someone is reduced to a weaker or inferior state, they become weaker or inferior as a result of something that happens to them.

e.g. They were reduced to extreme poverty...
e.g. They wanted the army reduced to a police force.

3. 迫使;使不得不(做);使只得
If you say that someone is reduced to doing something, you mean that they have to do it, although it is unpleasant or embarrassing.

e.g. He was reduced to begging for a living.

4. 使变成;使简化为
If something is changed to a different or less complicated form, you can say that it is reduced to that form.

e.g. All the buildings in the town have been reduced to rubble...
e.g. Politics has been reduced to class struggle.

5. (烹调中)使变浓稠,收汁
If you reduce liquid when you are cooking, or if it reduces, it is boiled in order to make it less in quantity and thicker.

e.g. Boil the liquid in a small saucepan to reduce it by half...
e.g. Simmer until mixture reduces.

6. 境况变差;生活拮据
If you say that someone is living in reduced circumstances, you mean that they do not have as much money as they used to have.

e.g. They are the descendants of emperors and kings and are now living in reduced circumstances.

7. 使…无言
If someone or something reduces you to silence, they make you feel so upset or confused that you cannot speak.


e.g. Her challenge reduced them to silence.

8. 使…落泪
If someone or something reduces you to tears, they make you feel so unhappy that you cry.

e.g. The attentions of the media reduced her to tears.



1. take off weight

Synonym: melt offlose weightslimslenderizethinslim down

2. lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture

e.g. cut bourbon

Synonym: dilutethinthin outcut

3. narrow or limit

e.g. reduce the influx of foreigners

Synonym: tighten

4. cook until very little liquid is left

e.g. The cook reduced the sauce by boiling it for a long time

Synonym: boil downconcentrate

5. be cooked until very little liquid is left

e.g. The sauce should reduce to one cup

Synonym: boil downdecoctconcentrate

6. be the essential element

e.g. The proposal boils down to a compromise

Synonym: come downboil down

7. to remove oxygen from a compound, or cause to react with hydrogen or form a hydride, or to undergo an increase in the number of electrons

Synonym: deoxidizedeoxidise

8. make smaller

e.g. reduce an image

Synonym: scale down

9. reduce in size
reduce physically

e.g. Hot water will shrink the sweater
Can you shrink this image?

Synonym: shrink

10. make less complex

e.g. reduce a problem to a single question

11. reduce in scope while retaining essential elements

e.g. The manuscript must be shortened

Synonym: abridgeforeshortenabbreviateshortencutcontract

12. cut down on
make a reduction in

e.g. reduce your daily fat intake
The employer wants to cut back health benefits

Synonym: cut downcut backtrimtrim downtrim backcutbring down

13. destress and thus weaken a sound when pronouncing it

14. reposition (a broken bone after surgery) back to its normal site

15. undergo meiosis

e.g. The cells reduce

16. lower in grade or rank or force somebody into an undignified situation

e.g. She reduced her niece to a servant

17. simplify the form of a mathematical equation of expression by substituting one term for another

18. lessen and make more modest

e.g. reduce one's standard of living

19. bring to humbler or weaker state or condition

e.g. He reduced the population to slavery

20. put down by force or intimidation

e.g. The government quashes any attempt of an uprising
China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently
The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land

Synonym: repressquashkeep downsubduesubjugate

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