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1、 How many hours did the plane log in the sky between April 30 and May 15?这架飞机于四月三十日至五月十五日期间在空中飞行了多少小时?

2、 log的反义词

3、 The captain described the wreck accident in details in the ship's log、船长在航行日志里详细地描述了这次沉船事故。

4、 How many hours have you logged?你的飞行时数是多少?

5、 We'll log another section of the area today、今天我们要砍伐另一部分林区的树木。

6、 log什么意思

7、 The captain of the ship entered the details in the log、船长把详细情况记入航海日志中。

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